Opting out of Black Friday lies deep in our nature! In 2022 we’ve decided that we need to go back to basics… To make sure that every step of our common journey is made with our Planet in mind.

Cumulus® will become
a climate-neutral company
by the end of 2023

Let’s dive in! Find out more about our wetlands restoration project.

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We should have done it a long time ago and we know we still have a long way in front of us. However, achieving climate neutrality is a basic and key business challenge related to the protection of our Planet. And we are determined to achieve it at an accelerated pace.

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423 t CO2e

We calculated what impact Cumulus® operations have on the environment. Our total carbon footprint (taking into account all required scopes 1, 2, and 3)* for 2021 is 423 t CO2e.


Keep it to a minimum

The first and most important step was to minimize our emissions! Check out what we have done so far!


Compensating what’s left

We will offset those emissions we cannot further reduce by purchasing eligible verified carbon credits. What does it mean, exactly? Each carbon credit removes or avoids one tonne of carbon emissions. Projects like reforestation remove CO2 from the atmosphere, while rewetting wetlands limit future emissions.

What have we done
so far and what
is in front of us?

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Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty |
Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty | Check out our new indefinite warranty |

Interested in knowing why this website was designed like that?

We have followed several rules, that made it more sustainable. Thanks to them, each page view consumes over 50% less energy than the average analysed page (0.17g of CO2/view compared to 0.5g of CO2/view).

Whether it's a lot or a little, it's always a step in the right direction!

Dark Mode & Colour Values

"A theme using darker colours can reduce battery usage by up to 63% on AMOLED displays, even if the screen is at maximum brightness. The colours you decide to use can also affect the power draw on a user's device. This is because certain colours require more light to display, with white and blue being particularly power hungry! While lighter themes may often be the default, 'dark mode' is kinder to your battery, the environment, and also your eyes!"

Green Hosting

"Looking for a host that uses 100% renewable electricity, rather than one that just offsets their carbon emissions, is a great way to reduce the carbon footprint of a website."

For this website we used Krystal but there are many choices available.

Compensates the CO2 emissions

We used the Tree notion service to cover the co2 emissions that our website generated

Contrasted Colours

"Using high contrast colours means that the information displayed on a website is more defined, so viewers won't need to increase the brightness of their device, and drain their batteries. Some phones can half their energy consumption by reducing the screen brightness by 20%. It's best to aim for an AAA contrast ratio score. Check your score and find colours on Colorable."


"Full screen images are often used to make a website feel slick and smart. However, photographs can be very (very) heavy if not compressed properly. When using images with a large file size, a lot of data needs to be transferred from the data centre, increasing the energy consumption. In fact images, on average , make up 21% of a web page's overall weight.

It's possible to compress images and reduce their file sizes without compromising quality. Online tools such as ShortPixel allow you to do so. Using web format files for your images such as WebP instead of JPG will also help.

But of course, the best thing to do is ask yourself 'do we really need this image?'"

Illustration Format

"Image formats such as JPEGs and PNGs build their images by using square pixels. Therefore, the larger the dimensions of the image the more pixels there'll be, resulting int a heavier the file size. You may also need to upload several sizes of the same image to work across different display sizes (dekstop and mobile, for example).

SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) are a vector-based format, similar to Adobe Illustrator files, which means they are built using data points and code, rather than pixels. This means that they are generally much lighter thant JPEGs or PNGs, and can scale to different screen resolutions easily without losing quality."


"When designing with a low energy mindset, it's worth conisdering that video instantly makes a websites a lot heavier. But if you do need to use it for your project, removing autoplay and using a third-party provider that uses sustainable energy (such as YouTube) will help."


"It's possible to create simple but charming animations using SVGs and CSS. As SVGs are created using data points, coding techniques can be used to bring them to life. Images can be scaled, rotated and repeated to add movement and pattern."

Static Websites

"On many websites each page is generated by a Content Management System (CMS) every time a visitor loads a page. That means that the web server is constantly using energy to send the right information each time a new page is loaded.

A static web page displays the same content for all users, rather than providing personalised content tailored to each user. By building static wepages in CSS, HTML and JavaScript the full page is then available without any need to load more information, which save energy."

Optimising Fonts

"If you choose to use a custom font a web font file format such as WOFF is a good option. This format offers smaller file sizes and better performance in comparasion to clasic OFT or TTF files."

Clean Code

"Keeping code as clean and simple as possible will help reduce the size of the files you upload to the server, as each character adds weight to the final file. It might not seem like much, but imagine the savings over millions of site visits."

Data Center Location

"If possible, try and select a host that use data centres based as close as possible to your core audience. This will mean the data doesn't have to travel as far, and thus will use less energy to transfer."

Source: Thanks In Advance: Learnings and Resources